Product Lines

SPS Companies, Inc. has multiple locations with fully stocked warehouses, housing products from hundreds of manufacturers ranging from large equipment to the small parts that you need to complete your projects. Below is a listing of the product lines that we offer with links to their websites for more specific product information.

Ready to order? Contact your SPS sales representative or the location nearest you for more information on the specific product you need or create a web/mobile account with us to place your order online. In addition to ordering online, your account will give you access to your order history, account balance, and more.

New Products We’re continuously adding new products as part of our mission to provide our customers with high-quality products at competitive pricing.

LG HVAC Technologies: SPS is pleased to announce that we are now stocking LG HVAC products. Easy to install and service, LG HVAC Technologies offer flexible system designs with ducted and duct-free options providing a wide range of options for even your most challenging projects. View PDF for more details.

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